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Showing posts from March, 2017

In one chart, why Trumpcare could die in the Senate

Donald Trump,senate We know that older voters, rural voters—Republican voters!—are disproportionately hit by Trumpcare. The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities lays it out. The losses would be larger for older and lower-income consumers, and lower-income consumers would also lose help with deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs. Consumers’ costs would probably increase even more than tax credits would fall, since the House plan would likely cause individual market premiums to rise.The impact would be even more severe for people in high-cost states. Consumers in 11 high-cost states would see their tax credits to purchase health coverage fall by more than $3,000 on average — or more than 50 percent. Here’s their high-cost states, and how much those residents stand to lose. And that’s just for the people buying private insurance on the exchanges! Look closely at those states—almost all led by Republicans, represented by Republicans in t...