Apple has revealed detailed specs for two new handsets, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Apple has laid to rest months of speculation by unveiling not one but two models of iPhone 6 – one larger than the other, but both significantly bigger than the existing device. The company also launch the long-awaited Apple Watch, a wrist-mounted smart device that works in conjunction with the phone. The iPhone 6 is just 6.9mm deep, making it the slimmest handset Apple has ever made. Its bigger brother, which will be called the iPhone 6 Plus, is 2mm thicker. The new models look indistinguishable from the leaked photos and videos published widely in the past few weeks. Here’s what we know so far about the iPhone 6: It will come in two screen sizes, 4.7 inches for the iPhone 6 and 5.5 inches for the iPhone 6 Plus. That compares with the four-inch screen of the iPhone 5S. The frame of the iPhone 6 will be 6.9mm thick, and the iPhone 6 Plus 7.1mm thick. The desig...
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