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Showing posts with the label Once again

Once again, Nadal proves indestructible on the French Open clay

The current rock star of Paris is not Yannick Noah or the Daft Punk guys. It's not a member of Les Bleus or Tony Parker. And it's not a breakout actor from Cannes. Instead, it's a paunchy middle-aged economist who most of us would pass on the street without recognizing. Thomas Pinketty, author of the runaway international best-seller,  Capital In The Twenty-First Century , is a public (and media) darling, owing to his manifesto on income equality. Agree or disagree with his thesis and his remedies -- and many do both -- this we know: he didn't base his research in men's tennis. Otherwise, he would have drawn the opposite conclusion: in the ATP micro-economy, the dense concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a select few has made for a gilded age. Three men have, greedily, laid claim to 35 of the last 40 Grand Slam titles. They have batted around the top ranking, as if rallying from the baseline. There have been high barriers to entry, and...