Samsung’s Galaxy Note launched in 2011, it was an innovative phone with a massive screen: 5.3 inches. Many thought it would be a niche product – who would want a phone that big? Since then, flagship phones have grown and the Note has turned out to be a high-selling success. So is bigger really better? To be fair to Samsung, it’s always made sure the Note has a fast processor, plenty of operating memory and a high-resolution screen. READ MORE: SAMSUNG GEAR VR BRINGS VIRTUAL REALITY TO PHABLETS This one has a Quad HD display, so that even though this is a big phone it has a pixel per inch level that’s over 500. In comparison, the iPhone Retina display is 330ppi and that doesn’t look bad. Having seen the new phone up close, it’s true it has a sparklingly rich, needle-sharp screen that is bright and vivid. It’s on a par with the recent LG G3 display, though on the Samsung the ppi is a little lower. The glass is gently curved at the edge which makes it stronger and gives it a ...
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