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Showing posts with the label crimes against children

12 Palestinians killed in Israeli air strikes; Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu says 'Hamas is ISIS, ISIS is Hamas'

At least 12 Palestinians, including a top Hamas financial official, were killed on Sunday in Israeli air strikes on Gaza as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to continue the military offensive as long as necessary. Israel took its military campaign to a new level by flattening a 13-storey apartment tower in Gaza following a warning to residents to evacuate. The strikes in the southern town of Rafah came just hours after Israel bombed an apartment tower in Gaza City, collapsing the 12-storey building with 44 apartments. Around 30 people were wounded but no one was killed, officials said. The targeting of large buildings appears to be part of a new military tactic by Israel. Over the weekend, the army began warning Gaza residents in automated phone calls that it would target buildings harbouring “terrorist infrastructure” and that they should stay away. The air force attack killed Hamas operative Muhammad Al-Aoul in northern Gaza, the latest senior member of Hamas ta

Gaza highrises flattened by Israel

Two multi-storey buildings in Gaza have been completely destroyed by Israeli air strikes in less than 24 hours, possibly signalling a new tactic in Israel’s military campaign. A 12-storey apartment building in Gaza City was brought down on Saturday evening and a seven-floor office building in Rafah was razed early on Sunday. The hits followed warnings by the Israel Defence Forces, in leaflets, text messages and automated phone calls. The text of a leaflet dropped from aircraft said: “The IDF intends to attack terrorists and terror infrastructure across the Gaza Strip … Israel is currently attacking, and will continue to attack, every area from which terror activities against Israel originate. Every house from which militant activity is carried out, will be targeted. For your own safety, prevent terrorists from utilising your property for terror agendas, and stay away from every site in which terrorist organisations are operating.” It was signed “Beware – Israel Defence Forces”