The trailer for the fourth Jurassic Park film, starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, has arrived three days early After a decade of delays, the first trailer for Jurassic World has arrived three days early. A teaser trailer released for the film on Sunday explained that the official first trailer for Jurassic World would appear on Friday. However, the first full trailer for the film has bucked its years of disastrous development by dropping three days early. The sequel takes place 22 years after the events of the first Jurassic Park film, which was released in 1993. A dinosaur safari park, Jurassic World, has been built out of the ruins of the original Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar. As the trailer shows, this Jurassic World includes opportunities to paddle down the river as giant herbivores graze and join the Mosasaurus - an enormous prehistoric crocodile - eat dead sharks in a situation reminiscent of Seaworld's Shamu enclosure. This was expect...
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