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Somewhere deep inside Ubisoft headquarters they’ve got a high-powered gatling gun. Only this high-powered gatling gun doesn’t fire bullets, it fires game trailers at an incredible rate, peppering the internet with new footage, cinematic feasts, and the dreaded accolades trailers. As we near the crucial holiday season Ubisoft’s been cranking it up once more, bringing you yet another trailer for The Crew. This time Ubisoft want you know why The Crew’s world is the ultimate four-wheeled playground, and it isn’t difficult to see why.

Stretching from the low-rolling mountains and forested interior on Maine all the way across the States to the sunny climes of California, The Crew’s got it all and everything in between. This trailer shows what you’ll be busy doing across this vast swathe of land, and in typical Ubi style it’s chock full of content and bits and bobs to do.

The Crew’s massive open world has something for every player, be it missions that can be played collectively as a crew of up to 4 players or skill challenges to level up and tune your ride for even better performances,” said Ubisoft. “Exploration, RPG and action driving all wrapped up in a huge and connected open world.

Unfortunately that doesn’t mean well-groomed beards, kobolds, or quaffing mead while tucking into carrot that’s been sitting at the bottom of your inventory for 32 quests, but it does mean a massive open-world racing game on a scale we’ve rarely seen before. The entire map is comprised of 1900 square miles, and Ubisoft’s big thing is that if you can see it, you can drive to it.

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